
Cinematographer's Wife In Sex-Talk With Men

Posted On 12:00 AM by Movies |

A famous cinematographe's wife is giving sleepless nights not just to the guy but many young men who are coming in contact with her. Now the cinematographer is having sleepless nights for altogether different reasons from the rest of the crowd. The wify dear is having sex-talks with many men as and when they call her. (They call for the guy and incidentally the lady picks the phone and talks). The lady talks in an erotic slow manner, giving suggestive gestures and using double-meaning dialogues. So mesmerized are the young guys that they want more of her. They are going sleepless thinking about her lying on the bed. The Cinematographer on the other hand is angry and losing sleep, he wants to restrict his wife, but is unable to catch her red handed. As for the wife, she is having a hearty time. She is enjoying playing cat and mouse with husband and also sexing-up the young guys.
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