The shooting of Prabhas’s latest film ‘Ek Niranjan’ in the direction of Puri Jagannadh is under brisk progress. Bollywood hot beauty Kangana Ranaut is making her debut in Tollywood with this film. Aditya Ram is producing the film under Aditya Ram Movies banner. Mani Sharma is scoring the music for this film. A huge set costing Rs 3 Cr was erected in 8 acres open space at road No. 25, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad.Speaking about the film producer Aditya Ram said: “Art director Chinna erected a huge set which resembles areas some areas in Hyderabad such as four roads near Clock Tower, Hanuman Temple, and Dhobi Ghat. He also constructed hero and heroine’s houses. We shot a song on Prabhas and Kangana Raunat in four different sets in Annapurna Studios. The film crew is going to Switzerland on 18th June to shoot a couple of songs on the lead pair. The final schedule of the film will be started in July in Bangkok and continues for about a month”.Puri Jagannadh said: “As of now, the movie has winded up its 50 percent of the shooting. It is a complete commercial entertainer with high technical values. Prabhas’ performance and Kangana’s glamour is asset for this film”Other cast: Sonu Sood, Mukul Dev, Brahmanandam, Ali, Sunil Makarand Deshpande, Sangeeta and others.Crew: Music: Mani Sharma, Cinematography: Shyam K Prasad. Editor: AR Varma, Fights: Stunt Siva, Art: Chinna.
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